Sunday, August 26, 2018

Become a Great Musician

How to be a good Musician? to be a good musician, there are some mandatory things that a musician should have and to be a musician is difficult and not everyone can be a good and great musician, here are some tips for being a good and great musician :
The first step to becoming a musician, choose the instrument you want to play. Choose the instrument that is easy for you to get, for example what you have or borrow from friends.
The second step, find someone who can teach you, look for people who are good at teaching these musical instruments near you, at least if no one is willing to teach you for free, there is a music course that is willing to accept you as a student. there are other ways to learn musical instruments that are self-taught or self-learning through video tutorials.
The third step, choose the type of music you like, do not choose the type of music that is difficult to learn when you decide to learn musical instruments, learning many types of music will increase your game skills and increase your insight into playing music.
The fourth step, hard training and discipline, the fourth step applies in all fields, not only applies in the field of music, a skill or expertise will be obtained when someone with the process and sacrifice. practice continuously and make a schedule of exercises regularly and do every day.
The fifth step, don't just train yourself, the main thing to be a good musician is not to practice alone, practice with friends or teachers who teach you. the way that you succeed in becoming a musician doesn't just learn scale and mode, learn rhythm, harmony, and other music.
The sixth step, join the band, the sixth step is very important and has to do with the fifth step, when playing alone and when playing with lots of friends are two different things. when you play in a band you are required to be able to play all types of music and are required to be a servant and become a king.
The seventh step, appearing as much as possible, the more it appears then the mental will be more honed and will enrich your insight and experience in the field of music.
The eighth step, hanging out and not arrogant, this step is the most important step to success being a musician, when you have many friends, you have many opportunities to play or recordings obtained from your friends.
The last step, always grateful, you should always thank God for the gift given to you, even though no matter how small God gives you, you should always be grateful.

That's a few tips to be a good and great musician, and to be a musician should be able to play all types of music and all musical instruments, don't just focus on one musical instrument.

Source by :

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Deskripsi diri

I symbolize my self as a mimosa pudica, because I am a person who is very shy and does not dare to speak. I am a person who is very difficult to get along with the environment because I do not dare to talk to others. I sometimes feel less confident to do something. I am often ashamed of what I do. Honestly I really do not like people who are lying, do not respect other people, arrogant and arrogant, arrogant in terms of lessons, and others. I sometimes want to eliminate this shyness. I am a person who very often feels bored if he is in one place for a long time.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

A.      Understanding Stick Drum
Stick drum is an object or tool used to beat drums and others percussions tools. Stick drum number two pieces, where placed on the right arm and left. The drum stick consist of the lower part called Butt, then the middle part is called the shaft, then the shoulder section called shoulder and the last is the tip called tip. So we feel comfortable in playing drums, we must be clever in terms of choosing drum sticks, for what size, quality up to about others.
B.      Size Drum Stick

Sunday, August 20, 2017

            Part of the drum and hardware. Drum consist of various tools that become one unity. In those part have different function. Following part of the drum and it’s function :
1.      Snare Drum

Snare Drum is the most vital element in the drum. Snare drum size variation beetwen 10” and 15”.
Type of snare drum :
Ø  Snare Drum usually, measuring 5 ½” – 6 ½” issued a tone or a medium tone.
Ø  Thick snare drum, measuring 7”-8” givde a deep tone.
Ø  Thin snare drum has 2 types :
1.      Piccolo snare drum size 4”-4 ½” (metal or bass).
2.      Size 3 ½”-4” made of wood.

1.      Sense of Drum
Drums are a group of percussion instruments consisting of leather stretched and crushed with a hand or a bar. Besides leather, drums are also made from other materials, such as plastics. Drum are all over the world and have many types, such as kendang, tympani, bodhran, ashiko, snare drum, bass drum, tom-tom,and others. Usually drums refer to a drum kit or drum set, especially for music such as pop, rock, and jazz. Drum set or drum kit is a group of drums consisting of several elements, such as snare drum, tom-tom, bass drum, cymbal, hi-hat. The person who plays the drum is called the drummer.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My name is Jonathan Theresanto, now i am 15 years old.
I am attending school at SMA Santa Maria Cirebon.
My hobbies play music, play badminton, and swim, now i am 10th grade.
I live with my parents in perum.
The lessons i like are Ipa, Sport, and Music Art.
I am very happy to play drums, my favorite drummer is Echa Soemantri, Rani Ramadhay, and Steve Smith.
My favorite bands are JPCC Worship, True Worshippers, GMB, GMS, NDC Worship, Symphony Worship, ECC Worship, Hillsong, Avenged Sevenfold, kotak, maroon 5, and Noah.
These are some photos of my favorite drummer  :

1.     Echa Soemantri

2.     Rani Ramadhany

3.     Steve Smith

This is one of my favorite videos :

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Pengaruh Jejaring Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Remaja

Pengaruh Jejaring Sosian Terhadap Perilaku Remaja

Jejaring sosial adalah suatu struktur sosial yang dibentuk dari simpul-simpul (yang umumnya adalah individu atau organisasi) yang dijalin dengan satu atau lebih tipe relasi spesifik seperti nilai,visi, ide, teman, keturunan, dll.
Analisis jaringan jejaring sosial memandang hubungan sosial sebagai simpul dan ikatan. Simpul adalah aktor individu di dalam jaringan, sedangkan ikatan adalah hubungan antar aktor tersebut. Bisa terdapat banyak jenis ikatan antar simpul. Penelitian dalam berbagai bidang akademik telah menunjukkan bahwa jaringan jejaring sosial beroperasi pada banyak tingkatan, mulai dari keluarga hingga negara, dan memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan cara memecahkan masalah, menjalankan organisasi, serta derajat keberhasilan seorang individu dalam mencapai tujuannya.
Dalam bentuk yang paling sederhana, suatu jaringan jejaring sosial adalah peta semua ikatan yang relevan antar simpul yang dikaji. Jaringan tersebut dapat pula digunakan untuk menentukan modal sosial aktor individu. Konsep ini sering digambarkan dalam diagram jaringan sosial yang mewujudkan simpul sebagai titik dan ikatan sebagai garis penghubungnya.